Our fall, winter and spring ice schedule is as follows:
Mondays 4:00-5:00 Aspen Ice Garden
Fridays 4:00-5:00 ARC (Aspen Recreation Center)
*Please check the weekly email for session changes. There are schedule conflicts in October due to hockey tournaments.
Monday 9/30 4:00-5:00 Ice Garden
Friday 10/4 3:45-4:45 ARC
Monday 10/7 4:00-5:00 Ice Garden
Monday 10/14 4:00-5:00 Ice Garden
Monday 10/21 4:00-5:00 Ice Garden
Monday 10/28 4:00-5:00 Ice Garden
We encourage all of our skaters to take advantage of the public skating sessions, as well as freestyle sessions (specialty session for all levels of figure skaters) offered by the City of Aspen.